Newfane Rehab & Health Care Center
July 12, 2021 Covid19 Survey

Standard Health Citations


REGULATION: §483.80(g) COVID-19 reporting. The facility must-- §483.80(g)(1) Electronically report information about COVID-19 in a standardized format specified by the Secretary. This report must include but is not limited toù (i) Suspected and confirmed COVID-19 infections among residents and staff, including residents previously treated for COVID-19; (ii) Total deaths and COVID-19 deaths among residents and staff; (iii) Personal protective equipment and hand hygiene supplies in the facility; (iv) Ventilator capacity and supplies in the facility; (v) Resident beds and census; (vi) Access to COVID-19 testing while the resident is in the facility; (vii) Staffing shortages; and (viii) Other information specified by the Secretary. §483.80(g)(2) Provide the information specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this section at a frequency specified by the Secretary, but no less than weekly to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionÆs National Healthcare Safety Network. This information will be posted publicly by CMS to support protecting the health and safety of residents, personnel, and the general public.

Scope: Widespread
Severity: Potential to cause more than minimal harm
Citation date: N/A
Corrected date: N/A

Citation Details

Details not available

Plan of Correction: N/A

Plan of correction not approved or not required